Smudging is a potent ancient practice using sage to cleanse and clear a space, person or object. The beginning and ending of the month, a relationship or project is an opportune time for your smudging ritual.
Smudging Ritual for a New Month
1. Gather your supplies: sage, crystal, feather, stand, journal (or choose your Small Smudge Kit, White Sage Kit or Chakra Kit)2. Choose 1-3 sage bundles: Sage for love, healing, blessing, prosperity, chakra —> Consider choosing 1 sage for cleansing, and 1 sage for inviting in energy
3. Choose 1-3 crystals: Crystals can be any shape (Read Guide to Crystal Shapes) —> We love the Citrine Cluster, Quartz Cluster, 7 Chakra Stones, Selenite Heart and Selenite Spiral
4. Clear your space and your thoughts with a brief journaling practice
5. Create a clear, concise and direct intention and affirmation depending on what you are looking to let go of or receive
6. Gently light your sage bundle
To Cleanse Your Space
1. Place your crystals around your space, specifically near the window or areas of light2. Walk around your space in a counterclockwise direction to release stuck blockages
3. Walk around your space in a clockwise direction to invite in energy
4. As you smudge, have your intention in your mind and say your affirmation to yourself or out loud
To Cleanse an Object
1. Place your crystals around the object2. Gently circle your object in a counterclockwise direction to release stuck blockages
3. Gently circle your object in a clockwise direction to invite in energy
4. As you smudge, have your intention in your mind and say your affirmation to yourself or out loud
To Cleanse an Individual or Yourself
1. Place your crystals around yourself or the individual you will be smudging
2. Hold your crystals in your hands and bring your intention or affirmation to attention in your mind
3. Gently circle yourself or the individual with the sage smoke, taking care as to find the appropriate distance that feels comfortable for you
For additional reading on smudging, read Sage: What, Why and Other FAQs and 5 Steps on How to Burn Sage.
For more information, inspiration, or impactful practices, visit us at or on our social channels @tranquilwb